Tuesday, April 13, 2010

World's Most Expensive Cupcake

Can you guess where the World's Most Expensive Cupcake is Available...where else Las Vegas at The Palazzo!

What makes a cupcake worth $750? How about 100 year-old Louis XIII de Remy Martin Cognac, Palmira Single Estate Chocolate from the rare Porcelain Crillo bean, Tahita Gold Vanilla Caviar - the most labor-intensive agricultural crop in the world, and edible gold flakes. Baked and assembled by the executive pastry chef of The Palazzo, Chef Long Nguyen, this royal treat will keep you coming back until you're broke.

As they say "What Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!"

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Friday cupcake fans! I'm working on perfecting a recipe this weekend. Any of you have cupcake plans too?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

KIR Royale Cupcake

Introducing the KIR Royale Cupcake inspired by KIR, a cocktail made with champagne and black current liqueur. Th KIR originated in Dijon but, it is found in bars and on tables throughout France.

Happy Easter Everyone!

Baking any cupcakes or having any today? If so, post a pic or two and let see them!